Explore iconic landmarks in Rome with a local and enjoy a unique apertif

Rome, Italy

Price: 105,000 Points

Time of Event: Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM EST

See full Access Terms and Conditions or FAQs for more details.

Experience Description

See historic ruins around the city on a guided stroll, then sip a signature drink with unparalleled views of the Colosseum

Embark on a walking tour of Rome to discover its marvellous landmarks and history with MyCupOfTea. You'll start your journey at the Foro di Traiano to see its famous column before heading to the ancient Roman mall of Mercati di Traiano and down the Salita del Grillo, one of the city's oldest streets, which you'll take through the historic Suburra neighbourhood for incredible views of the Foro di Augusto. Then, you'll continue along the picturesque Via del Colosseo and Via del Cardello to an esplanade with awe-striking views of the Colosseum and Basilica di Massenzio. Plus, conclude the tour with an exclusive aperitif at The Court at Hotel Manfredi overlooking the timeworn monuments of imperial Rome. Exclusively for Mastercard cardholders.

What's priceless

Exploring ancient Rome, sipping a one-of-a-kind spirit, and feeling like you've travelled back in time with someone special.

The highlights

  • Take a guided walking tour through early Rome
  • Check out famous landmarks such as the Colosseum, Foro di Traiano, and Basilica di Massenzio
  • Gain exclusive access to a very special place
  • Toast with an aperitif created specially for tour guests at The Court at Hotel Manfredi, with spectacular views of the Colosseum


  • Priceless experiences are reserved for Mastercard cardholders
  • This experience is available until 30th March 2025
  • articipants under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult
  • Experience is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5 p.m.
  • Experience must be booked at least 15 days in advance
  • Experience is for a group of up to 8 people
  • Price listed is for a group of up to 8 people
  • Experience is available in Italian and English
  • Participants should wear comfortable walking shoes
  • The experience will last approximately 3 hours
  • Approximate Itinerary (subject to change based on weather conditions and site availability):
    • Meeting point is in the Forum of Trajan - in front of Trajan's Column
    • Via Quattro Novembre
    • Salita del Grillo
    • Piazza del Grillo
    • Via Tor de Conti
    • Largo Corrado Ricci
    • Via del Colosseo and Via del Cardello
    • Casa dei Cavalieri di Rodi
    • Largo Gaetana Agnesi
    • Via Nicola Salvi
    • Via Labicana
    • Aperitif at The Court - Palazzo Manfredi
  • Upon request, with at least one month's notice, an accessible alternative route can be arranged for individuals with mobility challenges
  • To purchase the experience, click on "Add to Cart." After the purchase, you will receive a confirmation email from our Customer Service along with a voucher containing necessary information to contact MyCupOfTea and arrange the experience date
  • Cancellation Policy: reservations can be canceled with a 15-day notice. If a new date cannot be arranged within the notice period, a refund will be issued

Fine Print

  • This experience is non-refundable upon purchase, unless otherwise noted

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Experience as described on its dedicated page on the priceless.com website ("Page"), to which the T&C ("Experience") are linked, is i) offered by Mastercard SA ("Mastercard") through third parties in charge of its organization / promotion and ii) is reserved for holders of Mastercard credit cards, who may also book/purchase the Experience on behalf of third parties (jointly with the holders, "Beneficiaries"). In the event that a Beneficiary under the age of 18 makes the reservation or purchase the Experience, he or she declares that he or she has been authorized to make such purchase by individuals exercising parental authority, being understood that, in case pf physical event and not organized in virtual mode, he or she may not participate in the Experience without being accompanied by an adult. The underage Beneficiary, and consequently the individuals exercising parental authority acknowledge and agree that in the event that the underage Beneficiary shows up at the Experience unaccompanied, such circumstance will result in exclusion from the Experience and in no case a refund of the Price will be due. Mastercard and / or Third Parties may, at their sole discretion, decide to have an unaccompanied underage Beneficiary participate and, in such case, this will be specifically stated on the Page and in the description of the Experience. Notwithstanding the above, individuals exercising parental authority undertake to indemnify and hold harmless Mastercard and Third Parties from any and all damages, charges, expenses, costs or other claims related to the underage Beneficiary purchase, booking and participation to the Experience, even if the underage Beneficiary is accompanied by an adult other than the individuals exercising parental authority.
  2. The Experience includes the services and / or activities as described on the Page: anything not expressly indicated cannot and must not be considered included in the Experience under any circumstances.
  3. The Beneficiaries, by booking / purchasing / requesting the Experience, declare they have read and understood the content of the Page and of the T&C, waving any claim as of now, including reimbursement or compensation, against Mastercard and third parties engaged by Mastercard to manage the organisation / management of the Experience as well as any partners with whom Mastercard has created the Experience and who are named on the Page ("Third Parties").
  4. The Beneficiaries acknowledge and accept that the Experience is intended for personal fruition / use of the Beneficiaries and therefore any use, distribution, modification and / or resale of the Experience for direct and / or indirect commercial and / or promotional purposes is prohibited. Any use in violation of this condition entails the immediate exclusion of the Beneficiary from the Experience and the loss of the benefits associated with it, without prejudice to the right of Mastercard and Third Parties from acting to protect their rights and to claim compensation for damages.
  5. The Experience may be cancelled, modified or rescheduled in the event of unforeseen circumstances without entailing the right of the Beneficiaries to make any economic or other claims, including reimbursement or compensation, against Mastercard and Third Parties.
  6. The Beneficiaries may book the Experience up to […] days before the day on which it is scheduled to be carried out by Mastercard and / or Third Parties, or within the different deadline indicated on the Page, which shall prevail over the deadline referred to in this article in case of discrepancy. In case of failure to book the Experience within the deadline indicated, the Beneficiaries waive all claims against Mastercard and / or Third Parties.
  7. If the Page provides for a selection of Experience participants from among the Beneficiaries and/or the content they produce or submit in connection with the Experience, the Beneficiaries acknowledge and agree that Mastercard may avail itself, for the abovementioned selection and the performance of the operation described above, of the services of third party providers acting on behalf of Mastercard, who may process participants' personal data on behalf of Mastercard in accordance with the privacy policy on the Page. All selections will be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in connection with the individual Experience on the Page and, in the absence of express indication of particular selection criteria, at the discretion of Mastercard and/or the Third Party.
  8. If the Page mentions a maximum number of Beneficiaries who can take part in the Experience, the Beneficiaries who - even after booking / request has been correctly submitted - are not selected to participate in the Experience waive all claims against Mastercard and / or Third Parties.
  9. If the Page states a price or other cost items ("Price") for the participation in the Experience, the Beneficiaries who book and / or request to participate undertake to i) follow the instructions on the Page to proceed with the payment of the Price where it is possible to do so electronically and ii) in any case, to pay the Price requested according to the times and procedures set out of the Page.
  10. If the Experience is personal and exclusively in the name of the Beneficiary who purchased the Experience as indicated on the Page, the Beneficiaries undertake to correctly enter the name and details of the person who will take part in the Experience, renouncing as of now to any claim, including reimbursement or compensation, in the event of errors when entering the name and details that could prevent the Beneficiaries from participating in the Experience purchased. In the event of errors that could prevent the participation in the Experience, the Beneficiaries accept as of now that in no case a refund of the Price will be due.
  11. If the Page requires the selection of a date and time of the Experience, the Beneficiaries undertake to scrupulously respect the date and time chosen, waiving any claim against Mastercard and / or Third Parties in the event of errors in the date and time selection and / or non-participation in the Experience on the date and time chosen. In the event of non-participation in the Experience on the date and time chosen, the Beneficiaries accept as of now that in no case a refund of the Price will be due.
  12. If it is planned and / or indicated and / or necessary for audio and video footage to be taken during the Experience, the Beneficiaries undertake as of now i) to grant Mastercard and Third Parties an authorization to use his / her name and / or image and / or voice for purposes related to the Experience and Mastercard's Priceless program as well as their promotion and publicity and ii) to sign the release, if any, provided by email or at the time of the Experience, it being understood that in the case of underage Beneficiaries, the signature of the release will be necessary and individuals exercising parental authority must signed it. The Beneficiary must send the release to Mastercard Customer Service as a condition of participation in the Experience or bring it with him / her on the day of the Experience if indicated on the Page or by Mastercard Customer Service. The Beneficiary acknowledges and accepts that failure to send or deliver the release will result in the exclusion from the Experience and in no case a refund of the Price will be due.
  13. If indicated on the Page, the Beneficiaries undertake to print / show a copy of the booking / purchase of the Experience in order to access and / or otherwise benefit from it, accepting that failure to show what is requested could result in the Beneficiaries' exclusion from the Experience. In the event of exclusion from the Experience due to non-submission of the required documents, the Beneficiaries accept as of now that in no case the refund of the Price will be due.
  14. The Beneficiaries acknowledge and accept that, if indicated on the Page or in any other way in relation to the Experience, the shooting, sharing or publication in any medium and / or the sending in any form, of images / videos / screenshots are prohibited as is any filming of the event and / or service and / or activity covered by the Experience. In these cases, where the Experience provides for events / services / activities in presence, the Beneficiaries undertake to sign a confidentiality statement as a condition to access the events / services / activities referred to in the Experience. Failure to sign the foregoing may result in the exclusion of the Beneficiaries from the Experience. In the event of exclusion from the Experience due to failure to sign the abovementioned statement, the Beneficiaries accept as of now that in no case the refund of the Price will be due.

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